Saturday, 26 April 2014

I Hope One Day You'll Join Us

I hate to labour your eyes by whipping a dead donkey before you, but I am quite determined never to have children. Are my motives selfish? Yes, at least a little bit, but so are yours. Your children's most certainly will be. Given the all-too-real impending doom that resource shortages will bring, who would want to bring another human into this world? The world would be better off if I never I have children. It would at least be a little less noisy. I could teach them to be mindful of resources and abhor waste, but that is far less effective than not having them at all. It is better to have nothing with a disgustingly calorific meal than a side salad. What do we hope to achieve by having children anyway? Immortality? Legacy?  A fresh start to undo your faults? A stroll through any ancient ruins will tell you the futility of the first two. The third, perhaps, shows a lack of faith in your ability to change. Perhaps people just want the joys of a family life, or perhaps they want to revisit a more innocent part of their life. Perhaps it is an attempt to preserve our values and ensure their future. Perhaps people are just afflicted by nationalism and racism (as we will soon see). These are all futile I hopes, I'm afraid.

I have long-since yielded to life's remorseless waves. We don't live, we become, never staying in one moment, each one being as hollow and meaningless as the next. Values, which we may hope to preserve, speak of a permanence that just isn't there. Our existence is one of non-being for we never really are; we only become. It's better not to resist this idea, though that is detrimental to relationships and having children. Developing affection for a vulnerable other courses abrasively against the brutal reality of the world. When you love someone, you want to keep them safe against the dangers of the world, but you ultimately know that there is no safety from physical decay and certain annihilation. The warm, powerful bond you build with another person is subject to deterioration, just like everything else. In my relationships for the longest of times, affection was ultimately a prison for me, a hopeless rally against the way things are. To treat another as precious and will her to never be harmed, and to promise never to leave her side, are futile projects, no matter how passionately you feel about them. You cannot hold on to something in a world where nothing is permanent. It is better to allow the tide to take you where it is inevitably going.  

There is a flip-side to this, however. I have grown to see that the fear and horror I feel is just that. Against the tide, you needn't make a futile effort to cease its motion or drown under the waves. You can let it takes you where it goes, once you resist longing for permanence. Stand not as a tree, but accept that you are a leaf dancing in the wind. You are the fire, not what is destroyed by fire. Let the wind take you, like a hot-air balloon, and be above it all. Be like the fearless tiger in the jungle, or an eagle, soaring high. Use lots of metaphors to get over it — lots of them! I learned, through motivational lines, that it was okay to fear and lament, but not to allow it to cripple you; I could be with someone at last and enjoy an enduring bond in the a context free from the narrative of permanence. She saw life similarly and accepted it unflinchingly. Like two birds we flew alongside each other. I broke it off in the end ('Where else?', says you.), however, because she kept confusing 'disinterested' and 'uninterested', and her ass was a bit flat. And she used text speak.

I am digressing somewhat, but the point should remain clear: as well as the many reasons for not having children, which I delineated some time ago, it perpetuates a wishful grand narrative that grates against our ontological character. So much strife derives from the conflict of our narratives and our non-being, and we would do better to harmonise the two. Non-being is, for lack of a better expression, at the essence of, em, being. It is precisely neither essence nor being. Essence suggests a permanence which we are simply not privy to. We are future-oriented, never living in the present, never pausing in a moment. The only way out of this is by ceasing to be. Those who cannot bear this try to globalise their value-systems, in the hope of making them more real somehow, which has violent results.

Not all of you feel that way, and I doubt you would join me on asking humanity to stop having children. I hear many objections already. What about declining populations? Who will look after the elderly? I have thought of solutions for this already. Mass migration and adoption will even out the population. Millions will be lifted out of poverty over a short period of time. The only objections to this can be racism and nationalism. In the crisis of impending shortages, we will have to illuminate people that it is racist and nationalistic to want children, flipping a problem into a solution (once again, having children contributes to destructive grand narratives). Eventually, the ageing populations will have difficulty looking after themselves. By then, we should have developed robots to help us. The last of humanity will pass in peace and comfort, attended to dutifully by our loyal, mechanical friends. Their last task will be to open all the doors and windows of buildings, allowing the mark we left on this Earth to be more quickly abraded by nature. Standing motionless into rust, they can appreciate what remains — a peaceful, lasting silence.

Extracts taken from Recommendations for Saving Humanity: A Distress Call to the United Nations, by Nigel V. Fairflower.

Our faithful friends. Nobody who speaks German could ever be evil.

Sunday, 13 April 2014

Come, M'lady, You're My Butterfly, Sugar, Baby

After edifying so many young men in their love lives, I have received a few messages concerning online dating. 'Is it just a refuge for perverts and fraudsters?', I hear you ask fearfully. No, my dear readers, I can assure you that the internet is a wonderful place of abundant information, free opinions, and social connections. Many young lads venture onto dating sites in pursuit of a sexual hit. However, it all-too-often turns into a flaccid, frustrating affair, void of any flirting, sexting, cam sex, or arranging of dates. So, how do you succeed in the modern, 21st century, virtual world of contemporary romance and new-trend seduction? Let me guide you though the apparent minefield and lead those with the stamina to sexual glory.

90% of women online are this good-looking and await messages on their bed in their underwear. But will they be interested in you, you little worm?

Your number one priority on a dating website is your profile pictures. You seem creepy if you don't have one, and you look like an idiot if you use candy shots of you shirtless on your bed. If you have a good physique, you must find less gratuitous ways of showing it off. Your profile pictures should be a set of portraits that show a man of great masculinity and intellect. Be sure to avoid accusations of arrogance by showing sensitivity and a sense of humour. I am a little shy about showing my actual dating profile, but I will describe the pictures for you. The first shows my creative side; I am chiselling an ice sculpture of an angel in a naturally lit studio with my shirt off, revealing my tanned, ripped musculature. The second picture offers a contrast, and shows me hugging a grateful African child. Smiles and tears of joy tell a story that other selfies don't tell. In the third, I am meditating shirtless on the side of a beautiful mountain, surrounded by nature. A wall in the background bears writing from an Asian language and a yin-yang symbol. The fourth shows me clearly having a good time in a bar with my buddies who are all smiling and not perverts or sociopaths. The fourth is a carefully lit, monochrome picture of me in a tailored suit, holding a gin and tonic. It exudes sophistication and power. In the fifth, I'm playing football with underprivileged children, clearly bring joy to their lives with my athleticism and sense of fun. The sixth is a selfie of me at a beach; I'm wet and shirtless, having decided that after my swim it was time for a selfie. The seventh, which is another black-and-white shot, shows me lost in thought over a keyboard; a copy of James Joyce's Ulysses can clearly be seen in the background. I added the caption 'Writing on a hot, summer's day' to explain why I have no shirt on. The eighth and final shot shows me on the opposite side of a table in a classy restaurant, smiling handsomely. The caption reads, 'Care to join me?'

In the 'Interests' section write everything you have ever done that wasn't illegal or very boring. This will make your life seem full. For the 'About Me' section, you need only do two things: avoid red flags and write proper sentences. Red flags include things like bad-mouthing your exes, saying you're looking for a nice girl, declaring oafishly that you don't know what you're doing here, referring to yourself as a 'cuddle monster', and admitting you listen to Linkin Park. While we're on matter, don't use "Come, m'lady, you're my butterfly, sugar, baby" as your headline. It wasn't a Linkin Park song, but everyone thinks it was, and you will be unable to salvage the damage done by proving the girls wrong. As for the 'First Date' section, be sure to suggest somewhere there will be people and will be fun for both of you. Unless you're from a culture where boy-meets-girl involves sitting for hours together silently, don't suggest the cinema as a first date.

Once your profile is complete rifle out those messages, you fine stud! Always reject any messages girls sends you. 'There's clearly something wrong with her if she's interested in me', says a voice from deep within. Trust it; it's correct. Be sure not to write anything like this:

can i see ur pussy plz?

i have a sausage delivery for u. wer will i put it ;)


She may over-look the fact that you're a sleazy, illiterate, rude, jerk-off boy, who sees her as nothing more than a sex hole, but she will never forgive your laziness. Sexting is oft-desired, but not attained so easily. Start off with a few questions and lead the conversation towards the fool-proof terrain of likes and dislikes. Once here, you must throw out a gambit to see if she'd like to talk dirty. Remember: sex is great when it's found in an unlikely place, so your chances are good. If you don't believe me, consider how ubiquitous role-playing is. Few people role-play a situation where sex is likely to be found, for example a couple having sex in their bedroom. Only narcissistic actors and literary students, who get off on the multiple layers of narrative, would enjoy that.
Forming the bait is easier than it first seems. Using something she says, turn the conversation towards the sexual. The following words can easily be couched into a sexting gambit if you have the wit and imagination to do so:

bed                                                 shower
riding                                             hard
slap                                                bold
tongue                                            pinned
bite                                                 finger
throw around                                  watching
rope                                                balls
secret                                              firm
body                                               punishing
sweat                                              tying
penetrate                                         asphyxiate
washing machine                            drilling
pumping                                          beans
kebabs                                             nappies
linoleum                                          grandma                                           
yeast infection                                cheese grater                                     

If the gambit works, try another one, being sure not to move too fast. Repeat this process until it's three in the morning and you still have to get ready for bed and attend to your six-hour-long erection. After several rounds of this, you will probably move on to more intimate activities (cam sex, photos of your nipple, etc.), but eventually you will both want to meet. Enjoy the confidence of having already seduced your date before you have even met. When you finally start having sex with her, it will be completely different the epic, exhaustive, farcical fantasy you spent hours writing together. My experiences and the doomed nature of human existence have taught me not to expect romance to last, so be sure keep your dating profile open. 
And that's it. Now I must go and look in the mirror at length, lamenting the number of greys on my head and the barren wasteland of a life spent as an unpaid gigolo. In the words of Linkin Park, I've become so numb (but in the end it doesn't even matter).